The new page of the comprehensive reform of the Integration Act provides information about future reforms
The Centre of Expertise in Immigrant Integration has published a new home page for the comprehensive reform of the Integration Act (KOTO24) to support the implementation of the Integration Act overhaul.

You can visit the new home page of the comprehensive reform of the Integration Act (KOTO24) to read frequently asked questions and their answers and to find information on the tasks and actors under the new Integration Act and on the customer information system (Koto-Digi). The site will include links to other parties’ materials that are related to the KOTO24 reform and the TE services reform of 2024. The Centre of Expertise readily responds to information needs and is prepared to produce new material to support the work on implementation and integration during 2024. News and events related to the legislative reform will be compiled on the KOTO24 website as well.
The KOTO24-related content on the website has been written to conform with the new Integration Act, which enters into force on 1 January 2025. However, other permanent content on the site is still in line with the Integration Act currently in force.
The aim of the the comprehensive reform of the Integration Act is to strengthen the employment, job market capabilities, and language skills of immigrants as well as their inclusion in society. The Act also aims to promote equality, non-discrimination, and positive interaction between different population groups. You can read more about the topic at Job Market Finland.
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- TE24 and KOTO24
- Coming to Finland from abroad
- Studying in Finland
- Services and integration plan for immigrants