Error situations may occur in the 'E-services' section of Job Market Finland due to its recent reform. If you are unable to handle your case due to an error, leave a contact request in the E-services. Explain what you were trying to do and your responsible specialist will contact you. If activating your job search is not possible due to an error situation in the E-services, please contact the TE Office or local government pilot. If you need a certificate for the activation of your job search, leave a contact request in the E-services.

Instructions and support⁠


Professional field

Communications is the transmission of information, and its role is to tell what is happening in society and the world. News and messages are communicated through various means, such as television, radio, websites as well as newspapers and magazines. Communications tasks include content production in the form of images, texts and videos in different channels as well as social media expertise. Ethics plays a key role especially in journalism, as news shape the way people see the world and perceive reality. Organisational communications, on the other hand, emphasise information, media and stakeholder communications, reputation management and internal communications.

