Inspector, data protection
"Good qualities for an inspector include initiative and precision, in addition they must be prepared to work independently quite a lot. Another requirement is the ability to read and produce legal texts. Previous work experience and competence in different legal fields are useful."

- Essi Holden
- Inspector at the Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman.
- Has completed an upper degree of laws at the University of Copenhagen. Studies to become a Master of Laws at the University of Lapland.
- Two years of work experience in the field.
Briefly explain what you do for a living.
I work as an inspector on the application of data protection legislation. I process contacts to the Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman and notifications of data security breaches. It is my responsibility to provide guidance on legislation affecting the processing of personal data and to prepare decisions in matters concerning private sector organisations. My work also includes the preparation of responses to requests for statements for laws under preparation, stakeholder cooperation, and internal development work within our organisation. I often cooperate with data protection authorities in different EU countries.
How have you ended up in the profession of your choice?
I have always been interested in fundamental and human rights, internationality, and society. I have also been fascinated by the impacts of digitalisation on people and companies. When I started my higher education studies, I familiarised myself with the EU General Data Protection Regulation, which had just entered into force. I became interested in working in tasks related to data protection. During my higher education internship, I was able to work on the topic.
Describe your typical working day or week.
During a typical working week, I read and write a lot, participate in team and sector meetings, meetings related to stakeholder cooperation, and various events. In addition, the week may include recruitment, internal development projects, preparation of various instructions, as well as orientation of new employees.
What kind of work environment or working hours do you have?
I mainly work at the office, but I also have the opportunity to work remotely. I work during office hours and can use work flexitime.
What kind of competence or qualities are required in the profession?
This task requires knowledge of data protection legislation. In addition, the inspector should be familiar with legislation that regulates the activities of the authorities. As the operating environment is constantly changing, interest in monitoring and understanding change, as well as preparedness to focus on new topics is required.
What is the best thing about your profession?
Good qualities for an inspector include initiative and precision, in addition they must be prepared to work independently quite a lot. Another requirement is the ability to read and produce legal texts. Previous work experience and competence in different legal fields are useful.
What are the downsides of the profession or what seems challenging?
The best part is that I can work on important issues. I like dealing with a wide range of people. It is rewarding to solve the problems they face.
What would you tell a person considering the profession of an inspector?
I sometimes encounter very challenging and complex questions in my work. As data protection regulation is still quite new, the inspector will have to solve problems for which there is no precedent. Such situations require in-depth analysis and courage.
This profession is suitable for a person who enjoys a thorough reflection on various legal issues. The work involves continuous learning of new things.
How do you see the future of your profession?
With the new technology, personal data breaches, data leaks, and data breaches are increasing. The data protection field is going through an eventful period, and experts in data protection regulation will continue to be needed in the future.