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"I like it when I see my own handprint in my work. Positive customer encounters and feedback strengthen the sense of significance of one's own work."

Kattohuoltaja Olavi Kinnunen
  • Olavi Kinnunen
  • Entrepreneur and roofer at Suomen Laatukatot Oy.
  • Specialist Vocational Qualification in Surface Treatment.
  • Six years of work experience in the field.

Briefly explain what you do for a living.

I have a roofing company with my big brother. We paint, apply surface treatment and maintain outdoor roofs in summer.

How have you ended up in the profession of your choice?

After the army, I applied for work everywhere. Then, I remembered that my big brother is working as a roof painter that summer. I called my brother’s boss and asked for work. I got a job and was there as a painter for about two to three years. However, I quit, and my brother and I set up our own business. Later, we changed our company form into a limited liability company.

Describe your typical working day or week.

After waking up in the morning, I check my emails and respond to requests for quotes sent to us by potential customers. Then, I go to a work site where I always try to complete one work phase at a time during the day. The first stage is usually roof washing, after which the roof is ready for further treatment.

What kind of work environment or working hours do you have?

My working day usually lasts approximately 8-10 hours. Because we work with roofs, the working days mainly take place outside. Since we only do contract work, the work is not evenly distributed over the week, but we work when we can. In other words, the days can sometimes be long.

What kind of competence or qualities are required in the profession?

We do precision work on an inclined surface at a height of several metres. It requires a good physical and mental condition. Of course, we take care of safety with harnesses and other precautions, but you cannot be afraid of heights. Occasionally, the Finnish summer days are also really warm, so sometimes you get sweaty. Of course, the painter must also know a lot about painting and, for example, different types of paint. Otherwise, the paint will not stick on the roof.

What is the best thing about your profession?

I like it when I see my own handprint in my work. Positive customer encounters and feedback strengthen the sense of significance of one's own work.

What are the downsides of the profession or what seems challenging?

The first thing that comes to mind is difficult customers who do not seem satisfied with anything. Sometimes, the work is also strenuous, and there is no time left for leisure time.

What would you tell a person considering the profession of a roofer?

There is a great deal of competition in this field. If you are an entrepreneur and want to succeed, you have to stand out from the group somehow. Daily work requires good communication skills and physical and psychological resilience. You must also be prepared to travel long distances to the site.

How do you see the future of your profession?

The future looks good. I believe the roofs will still be painted in 20 years' time.


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