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Refrigeration designer

Professions Published

A refrigeration designer is responsible for the designing various refrigeration systems, such as cooling, freezing and air conditioning systems. The refrigeration designer creates designs that ensure that the systems work efficiently, safely and in an environmentally friendly manner. The work tasks of a refrigeration designer include the selection of refrigerants and equipment, dimensioning of pipes and components, and optimising energy efficiency. They must take the regulations and standards of the sector into account in their work. The profession requires technical skills as well as problem-solving and cooperation skills.

Installation and maintenance companies in the refrigeration sector and design companies in the construction sector.

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In their work, the refrigeration designer needs to be familiar with refrigeration, electrical, automation and pipe technology. The professional must be able to design efficient and environmentally friendly refrigeration systems, taking into account both energy efficiency and operating costs. The refrigeration designer must be able to select suitable refrigerants and equipment that meet the technical requirements and environmental protection regulations. They must also know how to dimension pipe systems and components correctly to ensure optimal and safe system performance.

The refrigeration designer must be able to interpret and apply regulations, standards and norms concerning refrigeration technology and its design. They must know how to smoothly operate design software.

Cooperation skills are needed, as planning is partly carried out in teams. Flexibility is an advantage in the work. Useful personal characteristics include the ability to listen to the customer and accuracy. Versatile expertise in the HVAC sector is beneficial.

Educational backgrounds vary. Suitable degrees include refrigeration master (specialist vocational qualification), bachelor of science (technology) or master of science (technology). Once you have accumulated competence, you may complete a specialist qualification in building maintenance technology, refrigeration master. The qualification can also be completed through an apprenticeship. 

At universities of applied sciences, you can complete a bachelor of science (technology) degree. Specialisation options include automation technology, electrical engineering, energy technology and building maintenance technology. 

Master of science (technology) and bachelor of science (technology) degrees can be completed in the technical field at universities. 

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Inom det teknisk-vetenskapliga utbildningsområdet vid universiteten kan man avlägga högre högskoleexamen diplomingenjör och lägre högskoleexamen teknologie kandidat.

Median salary

4290 €/mo

Private sector

4286 €/mo

Public sector

4482 €/mo

The data is based on the median income, meaning the amount of salary which is the middle of the salary amounts arranged in order of magnitude.

Source: Statistics Finland's structural statistics on wages and salaries

Professional fields