Administrative secretary, human resources
"The administrative secretary needs legal expertise and knowledge of HR and collective agreements. In addition, the work requires organisational skills and flexibility, as the day often involves changes in plans and overlapping many tasks."

- Jaana Perälä
- Works as an administrative secretary in the Legal aid and public guardianship district of Southeast Finland.
- Graduated Bachelor of Business Administration from Kymenlaakso University of Applied Sciences, completed a Further Qualification of a Secretary at the Rastor-instituutti and a Vocational Qualification in Business and Administration at the Hamina commercial institute.
- 20 years of work experience in the field.
Briefly explain what you do for a living.
I work as an HR expert and my tasks are related to recruitment, management of employment relationships, interpretation of collective agreements for public servants and development of HR management. In addition, I manage financial and payroll administration tasks, such as budget preparations, and participate in performance negotiations. I also participate in various working groups and projects of the Ministry of Justice.
How have you ended up in the profession of your choice?
I worked in the private sector for a long time before starting to work for the state. I was suggested to apply for a vacancy even though I did not have previous experience in public administration. I got the post, and I have enjoyed working for the state very much.
Describe your typical working day or week.
At the beginning of the working day, I check my email and electronic job queues from different systems. After this, I plan the work of the day and start with the most urgent tasks. I also respond to new messages during the day and participate in meetings.
What kind of work environment or working hours do you have?
I work in a multi-location work environment, i.e. my colleagues work in several different locations. It is possible to work remotely half the working hours.
We work office hours, and I can also use flexitime.
What kind of competence or qualities are required in the profession?
The administrative secretary needs legal expertise and knowledge of HR and collective agreements. In addition, the work requires organisational skills and flexibility, as the day often involves changes in plans and overlapping many tasks. Digital skills are also essential.
Our personnel sometimes work on very unpleasant matters, so it is my job to support them and be available if necessary. This requires good interpersonal skills and humanity.
What is the best thing about your profession?
The best part is that I can plan my own work independently and develop the various functions of the agency.
What are the downsides of the profession or what seems challenging?
The challenge is that many demanding tasks must be carried out all the time, and there is a lot of work, which causes a sense of urgency. In HR tasks, pay would be better in the private sector.
What would you tell a person considering the profession of an administrative secretary?
Although pay is often better in the private sector, I nevertheless recommend the state as an employer. We are offered training that supports our development, and the tasks provide a suitable challenge.
How do you see the future of your profession?
In the future, routine tasks will decrease, and the special expertise of HR specialists will be emphasised. This is good because it means that we can focus on more demanding tasks and developing operations.