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Senior inspector

Interviews Published

"If you want to make the world a better place and do socially significant work, I recommend working for the state. The tasks are versatile and challenging. There are several sectors in which you can work."

Ylitarkastaja Ines Gullichsen
  • Ines Gullichsen
  • Senior inspector at the National Audit Office of Finland.
  • Graduated with a Master's degree in Philosophy from the University of Turku.
  • Ten years of work experience in the field of public administration.

Briefly explain what you do for a living.

I work as senior inspector at the National Audit Office. My job is currently dealing with versatile expert tasks concerning the Transparency Register Act, such as the implementation of legislation and the implementation of the online service set up for it. The Transparency Register is a new official task, and I am responsible for, for example, training stakeholders and sharing information about the Transparency Register Act. My job description includes a lot of communication with the parties subject to the reporting obligation and the targets of lobbying. Persons subject to the reporting obligation are usually called lobbyists, and the targets of lobbying are government officials and parliamentarians.

How have you ended up in the profession of your choice?

Back in the day, I completed my higher education traineeship with the state, after which I continued in various fixed-term positions in public administration. I have enjoyed working in central government tasks because the work is societally significant. I feel that I have ended up in several positions partly by chance. On the other hand, I have also dared to make bold decisions and close doors behind me to get into interesting tasks.

Describe your typical working day or week.

A typical working week includes at least one event in which I talk about the transparency register to a stakeholder. We often discuss together how the Transparency Register affects their work and how they can prepare for their new statutory obligations. In addition, we may organise online training with my team to offer a general information event for a larger audience.

During the week, I have a meeting with my team, which we call the current affairs review. We spend some time each week to plan communication and training related to the Transparency Register together. In addition to meetings, I also spend my time in independent work. I do a lot of written work, such as planning instructions and advice for our new online service. We get a lot of texts translated for our online service, and it is my job to check the translations. In addition, there are all kinds of other activities, such as reconciling schedules, recording hours and group meetings.

What kind of work environment or working hours do you work in?

On average, I spend two days a week at the office and otherwise work remotely. The state has flexible working hours that enable me to start working early in the morning. Evening events are rare.

What kind of competence or qualities are required in the profession?

Being able to handle extensive entities and reacting quickly are important in this work. As this is a completely new official task, the work requires tolerance of uncertainty and creative thinking. Having an open mind helps because I deal with very different people. In this work, it must be possible to talk to people without shyness and to have the courage to speak publicly.

What is the best thing about your profession?

The best thing is to work together to plan and implement communication or training that helps obliged parties to fulfil their obligations regarding the Transparency Register. I like joint discussions that help to resolve issues. The best aspects of the profession also include getting to know different people and organisations.

What are the downsides of the profession or what seems challenging?

Officials often have a tight schedule to complete a task. This is also the case in the implementation of the Transparency Register. At the start of new activities, you must prepare for unexpected questions and situations. To better anticipate possible surprises, you need to develop your own knowledge and professional skills continuously.

What would you tell a person considering the profession of a professor?

If you want to make the world a better place and do socially significant work, I recommend working for the state. The tasks are versatile and challenging. There are several sectors in which you can work.

I would also emphasise the importance of the team in expert tasks in central government. The work is much more efficient and meaningful when you can easily talk to the supervisor and communication within the teams works. In a good team, the responsibilities are clearly divided, there is a lot of discussion, and planning and brainstorming are carried out together.

How do you see the future of your profession?

The state is a reliable and stable employer. Even in the future, there will also be demand for officials who are open to new opportunities, want to learn new things and are prepared to update their own skills if necessary.

Photo: Topian Dean

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