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Train driver

Interviews Published

"A train driver is a good profession for a person who wants independent and responsible work and is able to manage many things simultaneously. You must also be able to handle the irregular life rhythm caused by shift work."

Veturinkuljettaja Pekko Sivonen
  • Pekko Sivonen
  • Train driver at VR-Group Plc.
  • Completed train driver training at Kouvola Railway and Adult Education Company.
  • 17 years of work experience in the field.

Briefly explain what you do for a living. 

I work as a train driver on VR trains. My work tasks include driving a train from one destination to another and preparations related to driving, such as checking the functioning of the brakes. I also have special qualifications for guiding railway yard work using a radio controller. For example, I can use a controller to drive a train from one track to another and carry out different tasks related to railway yard work alone. 

How have you ended up in the profession of your choice? 

I saw VR’s job advertisement for train drivers in the paper. I was already familiar with the logistics sector, as I have a lot of work experience in the transport sector. I decided to apply for the job, and I got it. 

Describe your typical working day or week. 

When I come to work, I clock in using my phone. I also see the course of my shift on the phone. After arriving at work, the so-called preparation period begins, during which I check, for example, the changes related to the schedule of the train. Then I’ll go to the locomotive and inspect it before the departure. When I get permission from traffic control, I move onto the departure tracks with the train. Before departure, I check the train’s brakes alone or with a railway yard worker. Sometimes my shift starts by changing places with a driver of a train that is in the middle of its journey, in which case I move directly to the cab. 

When passengers are on board, we start the journey towards the destination. The dangers increase when you approach a railway yard area, so special attention is required from the train driver at that time. At the destination, the locomotive is detached from the rest of the train, and I move to the storage siding with the locomotive. At this point, many different things must be taken into account, such as various railway signals that guide the train’s passage. 

What kind of work environment or working hours do you have? 

My work environment is made up of the train, railway yard and office. The work is irregular shift work that may begin on any day of the week at any time of the day. The length of my workday varies between 5 and 26 hours.  

What kind of competence or qualities are required in the profession? 

A train driver must be able to handle pressure, as the work involves situations where many things happen simultaneously. In these situations, you cannot startle or act rashly, and you must be able to act quickly. I would say that a calm nature is an advantage in this profession. 

What is the best thing about your profession? 

The best part of my profession is the shift work, different seasons and nature. It’s wonderful to see how nature and the weather change constantly around you. You could say that a train driver does independent work at an open-plan office. 

What are the downsides of the profession or what seems challenging? 

Shift work is both a challenge and an opportunity. Sometimes it feels difficult to be in bed by 18:00 on one day and start your workday at 18:00 on another day during the same week.  

What would you tell a person considering the profession of a train driver? 

A train driver is a good profession for a person who wants independent and responsible work and is able to manage many things simultaneously. You must also be able to handle the irregular life rhythm caused by shift work. 

How do you see the future of your profession? 

Travelling by train and transporting cargo by rail is relatively environmentally friendly and efficient. I believe that there will be plenty of work available in the railway traffic sector far into the future.  


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