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Brand designer

Interviews Published

"The tech industry is very large in today's world, and to be a professional you need to focus on trends."

Brand designer Blerim Qerimi
  • Blerim Qerimi
  • Works as a Brand designer in his company
  • Graduated as a Bachelor of Business Administration at Haaga-Helia, Game Artist at University of Metropolia, Graphic Designer at Brainnest, and Full Stack Developer at Business College.
  • 20 years of experience in the field.

Briefly explain what you do for a living.

I am an independent light entrepreneur based in Helsinki, Finland, but I also operate remotely depending on client needs. I manage a small company where I maintain and create branding for over 100 clients in Finland and around the world.

How have you ended up in the profession of your choice?

I started as Web Designer back in 2003 in Multimedia Center in Kosovo, my original hometown. I moved to Finland during my business studies and founded my very first company with a Finnish partner where we used to create webpages and other brand content for small clients in the city of Joensuu and around Finland. In 2007 I ended up as a private entrepreneur and opened my own company where I focus on the same job tasks. My studies helped me a lot in managing my entrepreneurship!

Describe your typical working day or week.

My work starts on Monday morning with some coffee, thinking about my daily or weekly tasks and plans and opening my calendar to check for all the things with priorities. Lunch happens with family usually at my place or sometimes with clients. During workdays I also make many calls to sell my products or services. Usually during the day my goal is to gain more clients and contacts. In the evenings I am usually at home with my family, but after my son has gone to bed, I still open my personal laptop to see the things left to do the next day or rest of the week.

What kind of work environment or working hours do you have?

Usually I work from home in Helsinki near Pasila, but it depends on the needs of the client. Sometimes I visit my clients in their shops in the Helsinki region, and from time to time I have meetings in their offices. I also have meetings remotely using Google Meet or Teams.

What kind of competence or qualities are required in the profession?

Today there are a lot of competences that are required, but I can say that experience means more than anything else. The tech industry is very large in today's world, and to be a professional you need to focus on trends. As Web Master, Web Developer, or Brand Designer, you need to be passionate, focused, good at handling pressure, and detail-oriented.

What is the best thing about your profession?

You can work from any corner of the world and the results are pretty much the same as being local.

What are the downsides of the profession or what seems challenging? 

You need to be a work-oriented, trendy, and hardworking person. You need to create content and codes that make your clients or your boss happy. Making the internet better than it is now, or just maintaining it as it is, is also challenging, of course.

What would you tell a person considering the profession of a Brand Designer?

You can handle this job at any age, but I would recommend starting from a very young age, before you have children, so that you can focus better when there is the most new learning to do.

How do you see the future of your profession?  

This job is in great demand. You can work as an entrepreneur, for a company, for a startup, or whatever hybrid. There is some buzz about Artificial Intelligence taking these jobs, but I think AI is only helping by making it easier for us Webmasters or Brand Designers to create more professional content and code for the world.

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