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Special diaconal official

Interviews Published

"The profession requires social skills, guidance skills and the ability to listen. You must also know how to find information from different source. As the work includes providing financial advice, mathematical and financial expertise is also needed."

Diakoni Antti Härö
  • Antti Härö
  • Special Diaconal Official at the parish of Rovaniemi.
  • Graduated as a residential electrician from Oulu Vocational College, as a church youth worker from the College of the Home Mission Society and as Bachelor of Social Services and Diaconal Work from Diaconia University of Applied Sciences.
  • 25 years of work experience in the field.

Briefly explain what you do for a living.

My work centres around church social work in the parish of Rovaniemi, where I'm responsible for substance abuse work, criminal social work and street missionary work. My typical day consists of individual and group meetings and organising various events, such as the soup lunch service. At customer meetings, I provide mental support, spiritual guidance and financial advice. 

How have you ended up in the profession of your choice?

I graduated as a residential electrician during a recession. There were no or very few jobs available, so my scouting hobby inspired me to study to become a church youth worker. After graduation, I noticed that the Finnish Seamen's Missions had a vacancy for a volunteer abroad. I got the job and over time noticed that diaconal work could suit me better than that of a youth worker. 

Describe your typical working day or week.

I start my days by checking the e-mail. Then, I usually have an individual or group meeting and a visit to a partner, after which I plan and organise group meetings and the soup lunch service. The topics of the meetings vary, but they are mostly related to mental and economic well-being.  

What kind of work environment or working hours do you have?

I do my planning at the office. Customer meetings can take place almost anywhere, such as at the customer's home or on a jogging trail. I have unregulated working hours, which means that it's on me to not work too little or too much. I try to do most of the work between morning and afternoon, but I sometimes work in the evenings and during weekends. 

What kind of competence or qualities are required in the profession?

The profession requires social skills, guidance skills and the ability to listen. You must also know how to find information from different source. As the work includes providing financial advice, mathematical and financial expertise is also needed. On the other hand, organising soup lunches requires at least basic cooking skills. 

What is the best thing about your profession?

The best thing about my work is encountering different people and the freedom to act as I see fit. Diaconal work is guided by the Church Act and the related regulations, which give not only instructions but also a lot of freedom to diaconal workers. 

What are the downsides of the profession or what seems challenging?

If you are unable to set limits for your work time and ensure your own well-being, the unregulated working hours can become a challenge. The customers can also be in a difficult and sad situation, which can understandably affect how they behave. 

What would you tell a person considering the profession of a special diaconal official?

This is a calling profession at some level, and the desire to help others drives many people into diaconal work. However, this includes the risk of being too invested in your work and unable to limit your tasks and workload. It's important to take care of yourself so that the helper does not become the helped. 

How do you see the future of your profession?

I'm sure that the need for diaconal work will not decrease, but the resources will probably be more limited in the future. 


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