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Property manager

Professions Published

A property manager is responsible for the administration of a housing company and for daily matters. The property manager’s tasks include the financial management of the housing company, the maintenance and upkeep of the property, the preparation and organisation of board meetings and the provision of information. The property manager operates under the board of the housing company and ensures that the housing company operates in accordance with the law and rules. Property managers work in housing management companies.  In addition to competence in the real estate sector, the profession requires interaction and communication skills, organising skills and problem-solving skills.

Housing management companies and entrepreneurship.

Browse job postings: Property manager

The property manager must be familiar with a wide range of matters related to property management, such as administration, finances, technology and legal matters. The property manager must know how to budget and prepare budgets, prepare financial statements and manage accounting and invoicing. Knowing the basics of taxation is important. Knowledge of legislation is also essential. The property manager must be familiar with the legislation in the real estate sector and with labour legislation and contract law.

Property maintenance and technical competence are important skills in the profession. Property managers must understand construction technology and building maintenance and be able to coordinate property maintenance and repairs. Management of energy consumption and the property’s environmental matters is also the responsibility of the property manager.

The property manager’s work tasks require an independent approach to work, a systematic approach, organising skills, logical thinking, accuracy and responsibleness. The profession of a property manager is largely a service profession. Good cooperation skills are needed, as the property manager must be able to work with different people, manage employees and be able to resolve conflicts.

Good oral expression skills help the property manager in general meetings and other advisory tasks. It is important for the property manager to keep up with the developments in the sector and to constantly learn more. Good stress management skills are needed, as they will have to deal with a number of ongoing matters at the same time.

Project management is part of the property manager’s daily work. IT skills are essential in the profession. They must know how to use real estate administration software and various office software.

En lämplig grundutbildning för disponenter är en utbildning inom handel eller teknik beroende på var betoningen i arbetsuppgifterna ligger. När man samlat på sig kompetens kan man också avlägga yrkesexamen och specialyrkesexamen i fastighetsförvaltning. Examina kan också avläggas genom läroavtal. 

Vid yrkeshögskolorna ordnas utbildning i fastighetsledning och fastighetsförvaltning som en del av yrkeshögskoleexamen inom teknik, ingenjör (YH) och yrkeshögskoleexamen i företagsekonomi, tradenom (YH).

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Median salary

3673 €/mo

Private sector

3676 €/mo

Public sector

3602 €/mo

The data is based on the median income, meaning the amount of salary which is the middle of the salary amounts arranged in order of magnitude.

Source: Statistics Finland's structural statistics on wages and salaries

Professional fields