- Personal customers
- Vacancies
- Searching for work
- Handling official matters and registering as a job seeker
- Registration instructions for Finnish citizens
- Registration instructions for citizens of EU and EEA countries and Switzerland
- Реєстрація шукача роботи та пошук роботи в Фінляндії - Registering as a job seeker and job search for Ukrainians in Finland
- Registration instructions for a citizen of another country
- Tips for finding a job
- Services to support job seeking
- Job seeker's customer service model
- Services for job seekers during the local government pilots
- Youth Guarantee
- Seasonal work
- Handling official matters and registering as a job seeker
- Training and education
- Career and employment
- Choosing or changing professions
- At the start of your career
- Employment relationship and employment contract
- Employee's rights and obligations
- Workplace equality
- Wellbeing at work and maintaining the ability to work
- Occupational safety
- Impact of disability or illness on work ability (partial working ability)
- Job alternation leave
- Assessing working ability
- Returning to work
- Resignation
- At the end of one’s career
- Self-employment
- Internationality
- Unemployment security
- How to apply for unemployment security
- Inform the TE Office on changes to your employment status
- Instructions for the start or end of employment
- Unemployment security for employees
- Unemployment security for entrepreneurs and self-employed persons
- Unemployment security for persons under the age of 25
- Student unemployment security
- Unemployment security for laid-off workers
- Unemployment security for immigrants
- Unemployment security for volunteers or other unpaid workers
- Pay security
- Mandatory waiting period
- Unemployment
- Employers and entrepreneurs
- Professional information
- Regional pages
- Info
- About the service
- Instructions and frequently asked questions
- National guidance services
- Participate in the development
- From us and others
- For developers
- TE24 and KOTO24
- My own pages