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Game graphic designer

Interviews Published

"It is beneficial to participate in game projects and events in the field. Drawing skills and expertise in graphics software are useful. You should also play different games and think about what new things could be offered to players."

  • Name and workplace not published at the request of the interviewee.
  • Graduated as a Bachelor of Fine Arts.
  • 10 years of work experience in the field.

Briefly explain what you do for a living.

I work as a game graphic designer, i.e. I design the background and visual content of games, as well as the graphics of advertising banners. I also test the functionality of the graphics and participate in the content design of the game.

How have you ended up in the profession of your choice?

When I was young, I did not think it would be possible to work in the gaming industry. But I knew I wanted to do visual work. At some point, I ended up in a small game project, which led me to recruiting training in the gaming industry.

Describe your typical working day or week.

My typical working week includes, for example, drawing drafts of new items to the game, as well as designing and implementing advertising and 2D and 3D game graphics with graphics software. 3D design differs from 2D design in that it also includes modelling and creating textures. Before publication, I test the functionality of the graphics.

What kind of work environment or working hours do you have?

I work in an international studio and some of my colleagues are abroad. We use virtual chat to keep in touch. I work 8 hours a day.

What kind of competence or qualities are required in the profession?

This profession requires the mastering of graphics software and 2D or 3D expertise, as well as drawing skills, good eye for colour and creativity. Creating game graphics also calls for problem-solving skills. In addition, good interaction skills are needed when working together with colleagues, and a game graphic designer must be able to describe their ideas and communicate what they are doing and what they plan to do next.

What is the best thing about your profession?

The best part of this work is that I can utilise my creativity and visual skills diversely.

What are the downsides of the profession or what seems challenging?

You must constantly learn new things in this work, as the software are constantly evolving. Competence must be up to date to receive new assignments. In this profession, you must accept the fact that you cannot spend endless amount of time on artistic details.

What would you tell a person considering the profession of a game graphic designer?

It is beneficial to participate in game projects and events in the field. Drawing skills and expertise in graphics software are useful. You should also play different games and think about what new things could be offered to players.

How do you see the future of your profession?

The game graphic designer's profession is versatile, and you can specialise in, for example, advertising graphics for games, 2D or 3D graphics, illustrating or user interface design. Especially for user interface designers, there will be work in the future.


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